New Articles

  1. Do I get a prescription after the appointment?

    Should a prescription be required following your video consultation, the clinician will arrange for this to be sent to the hospital pharmacy, who will let you know when it is ready for collection, or they will write to your GP who will arrange a ne...
  2. Is eClinic secure and private?

    Your video consultation takes place under the same principles as if you had seen the clinician face to face, your privacy and dignity will be respected at all times.  The clinician will be in quiet, private room and we would ask that you also e...
  3. What happens to my video recording?

    Should your video consultation be recorded, the recording, any snapshots, annotations or notes, will be stored and used in line with your hospitals patient healthcare record policy.  If you have any questions, please contact the hospital direct...
  4. Can I close/minimize my browser while at waiting room?

    It is recommended to stay on the waiting room page until the Clinician joins the call. However, you can choose to close/minimize the browser and come back at the time of your appointment. If you have closed the browser, you can simply click on the a...
  5. While my device is being tested, can I stop the process?

    We strongly recommend that you complete the entire process of device testing to avoid any issues whilst on the call. If you need to stop the test, close the browser and rejoin the link. 
  6. Screen showing me Waiting room active

    Waiting room can only be opened in one browser at a time, to resolve this close the current/previous browser and refresh your browser.
  7. Timer not working on my waiting room

    The timer on the waiting room is approximate and dependent on your scheduled appointment time. If the Clinician is delayed, the timer is auto adjusted. If you do not see the timer ticking, please refresh the browser or close the browser and rejoin u...
  8. Can I access Translation Conversation with other features on call?

    Yes, you can access Translation Conversation along with other features like annotation, screen-share, auto-read etc. while on a call.
  9. My local language is not listed?

    We offer a wide range of language selection for translation. Users (Clinician and Patient) can communicate between themselves in their preferred language and translate their conversation to as many as 112 global languages , including scripts like A...
  10. Best Practices for Translation

    Some of the best practices of translation: BEFORE CALL Surroundings: To join appointment, it is always advisable to choose a quite environment to lower the distractions. It is recommended to use a headset to reduce background noise and dist...